Supportive Housing

Emma Norton Restoring Waters 1120 1120 UrbanWorks Architecture

Emma Norton Restoring Waters

Emma Norton Restoring Waters Location Saint Paul, MN Client PPL, Emma Norton Services Size 7,000 SF Office 60 Units Completed 2023 Restoring Waters, located in Saint Paul’s Highland Bridge neighborhood, is a collaboration between Project for Pride in Living and Emma Norton Services. This innovative facility combines office headquarters and supportive housing for 60 women…

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Belfry Apartments 1120 1120 UrbanWorks Architecture

Belfry Apartments

Belfry Apartments Location Minneapolis, MN Client Trellis Co. Size 8,000 SF Community 2,000 SF Food Shelf 41 Units Completed 2023 Trellis Co. transformed the historic Calvary Lutheran Church into Belfry Apartments, blending affordable housing with community and worship space. This project converted the church’s education wing into 21 units, added a new 20-unit building, and…

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Guild Crisis and Recovery Center 1120 1120 UrbanWorks Architecture

Guild Crisis and Recovery Center

Guild Crisis and Recovery Center Location Scott County, Savage, MN Client Scott County CDA Size 16 Crisis Care and Intensive Residential Treatment Beds Completed 2020 The Guild Crisis and Recovery Center in Scott County is a two-story treatment facility located in Savage, MN.  It offers two innovative programs:  Intensive Residential Treatment Services (IRTS), where clients…

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Youthlink and Downtown View 1120 1120 UrbanWorks Architecture

Youthlink and Downtown View

YouthLink & Downtown View Location Minneapolis, MN Client YouthLink & PPL Size 34,500 SF Addition and Remodel, 46 Beds in Quads/Studios Completed 2018 A complete renovation and addition to YouthLink’s Drop In Center and office headquarters was undertaken in conjunction with a new construction housing wing for homeless and at-risk youth.  Developed by a nonprofit…

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Park7 1120 1120 UrbanWorks Architecture


Park7 Location Minneapolis, MN Client House of Charity Size 61 Studios for people experiencing long-term homelessness Completed 2020 Located in Minneapolis, Park7 is a four-story supportive housing building for people experiencing homelessness and chronic illness or disability.  The design focuses on meeting the physical and emotional needs of residents, including a sense of connectedness, ownership,…

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Rising Cedar 3240 2160 UrbanWorks Architecture

Rising Cedar

Rising Cedar Location Minneapolis, MN Client Project for Pride in Living and Touchstone Mental Health Size 40 Units, 3,000 SF Health/Wellness Center, 5,000 SF Office, Healing Garden Completed 2013 Located in Rising Cedar, a mixed-use supportive housing building for adults with serious mental illness, the office headquarters for Touchstone Mental Health represents a belief that…

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66 West 1120 1120 UrbanWorks Architecture

66 West

66 West Location Edina, MN Client Beacon Interfaith Housing Collaborative Size 39 Units Completed 2017 Located within easy access to transit and jobs in the Southdale area, 66 West will provide 39 studio apartments to youth who have experienced homelessness. Community amenities will include computer lab, fitness center, laundry, and lounge. In addition to safe…

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